Created by the cult late 1980’s mask company out of Michigan, American Mask & Novelty Co, these are the only licensed masks ever made from George Romero’s legendary film.
Bill Hinzman mask is called The Graveyard Ghoul.
Kyra Schon mask is Creepy Karen
John Russo mask is Dead John
Marilyn Eastman mask is Mangled Marylin
There was speculation recently that molds had surfaced for these items but that proved to be false. Ray Heikes, the creator and founder of American Mask & Novelty wrote on an internet site this in response to the recent claims: “as to the old molds in the building, those would have to be old production molds… believe me, bill and i cleaned everything of value out of the place before we locked the door for the final time…the building has sat empty and neglected since we moved out in early 93… whatever might be there would be old, worn out production molds.