SS Experiment Camp Go Video Pre Cert

SS Experiment Camp Go Video Pre Cert

SS Experiment Camp Go Video Pre Cert The UK pre-certification VHS release of "SS Experiment Camp" by Go Video is another notable entry in the history of the "video nasties" era. Here are some details about this specific release: Film Background: "SS Experiment Camp"...

The Living Dead UK VIP Video Pre Cert

The Living Dead UK VIP Video Pre Cert

First UK release of The Living Dead (at the Manchester Morgue) Featured on the government's Department of Public Prosecutions list (DPP) This version was banned and removed from UK video store shelves, deemed to violent for the general public to watch. Dir: Jorge...

Snuff UK Pre Cert VHS Video

Snuff UK Pre Cert VHS Video

Snuff UK Pre Cert VHS Video This was the version banned in the UK under the obscene publications act One of the original Video Nasties and on the DPP List (Director of Public Prosecutions)